We are saddened to announce the departure of OCRA’s Sport and Recreation Manager, Stuart Lord.
After twenty one years dedicated service, which has seen OCRA grow from a small charitable enterprise to a mainstay within the community, Stuart is leaving OCRA to seek new challenges in sports development.
The staff, Trustees and all those who have participated in OCRA’s activities over the years would like to thank him for his long service and we wish him all the best for the future.
Handing over his day to day responsibilities, Stuart will continue to support OCRA in the coming months.
OCRA continues to deliver its full programme of sports and recreation for the community and schools in our area, and we are grateful for everyone’s support and understanding as we go through a period of change.
Key staff can be contacted as follows:
For holiday activities and the Gym, Trampoline and DMT Club – Vicki Pritchard (vicki@ocrasport.org.uk or 01837 54546)
For functions, events and facilities bookings – Jackie Feeny (pavilion@ocrasport.org.uk or 01837 318010)
For administration – Jill Jolley (jill@ocrasport.org.uk or 01837 54546)
For sports and recreation, development and other enquiries – Robin Catling (robin@ocrasport.org.uk or 01837 54546)