The South West Rotary Youth Games will return to Mount Hawke Skatepark just outside Truro next Easter to host the Street Sports event.
Date: Friday 6th April 2018
Venue: Mount Hawke Indoor Skatepark, Cornwall
Times: TBC
Additional Information:
Minimum of 2 participants per discipline (Scooter, BMX and Skateboard) from school years 4-11. – see rules on the website.
Participants must live, go to school or attend a club within the District/Borough area.
Last year’s launch event was a big success with over 150 young people from 8 areas competing in BMX, skateboarding and scootering competitions. It was the first time a Street Sports style event had been hosted by the event in its 19 year history.
It was also the first time Cornwall has hosted a South West Rotary Youth Games event since it expanded from the Devon Youth Games in 2015. This year’s event will take place during the Easter Holidays on Friday 6 April.
Chris Broadbent, Chief Executive of the South West Youth Games Trust said: “Last year’s launch Street Sports event was one of the biggest successes of the South West Rotary Youth Games and marked a fresh approach for our events.
“The Street Sports provide something really relevant and appealing to young people who we might otherwise find harder to engage with using a more traditional sports model. Our simple yet important mission is to create a happier and healthier south west by engaging young people in sport and physical activity.
“Ciaran Ryder and his team were incredible hosts last year at their superb facility and I am sure they will give young people from across the region another inspirational event in April.”
Venue Manager Ciaran Ryder said: “After the success of last year, Mount Hawke is delighted in welcoming back the Rotary Youth Games back in 2018.
“We hope to have completed additional improvements to our facilities by then allowing the best young riders in the South West in Skate, BMX and Scootering to showcase their skills. We look forward to seeing competitors, organisers and supporters in April for another action packed day.”
Read more at:
The Rules and eligibility for each discipline are available here:
Age groups: School years 4 – 11
Names of each competitor will need to be submitted in advance of the event this year to help with the administration.
(Skate warehouse event co-ordinators are reviewing these rules, any changes will be published by end of January)
We are actively seeking sponsorship for this event and the finals event in July – if you know of any contacts or companies that would be interested please let me know their contact details, even if you haven’t already spoken to them and you think they may consider supporting the event.
Social Media
Please follow the @SWyouthgames on social media and interact to gain more coverage about the event(s).
‘Open day’, Taster sessions and Into Sport programmes
SW Rotary Youth Games is moving to ‘Open day’, Taster sessions, or Into Sport programmes – for children and young people from across Devon and Cornwall to access a journey to the Games. At the Lodge indoor skatepark, for instance, we are planning to host some SWYG open sessions once a week after school in the build up to the event. Please contact the venues in your area to find out what’s planned where you are.
The team entries, medals and event t-shirts will be FREE to all participants, but unfortunately we are not in a position to cover the cost of the transport to Mount Hawke. We are asking all areas to make their own way there, whether it’s parents, minibuses or seeking a sponsor to cover the cost of a coach.
Image credit: Flying skateboard 2403 by Harald Bischoff (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons.