OCRA’s Summer programme is done but we hope to see you next Half Term holiday 24-28 October.
A big thank you to all the young people who joined in Sport & Art and Activity Camps this time; to parents, grandparents and carers who ferried them to and fro; and to the OCRA coaches, staff and volunteers who made the sessions possible.
Thanks to Cerys, Cheyanne, Courtenay, Dom, Elodie, Grace, Holly, Joel, Kali, Mat, Matthew, Michael, Ollie, Ollie, Rob, Robin, Rosie, Sienna, Sue, Teegan, Vicki.
Thanks to Active Devon, West Devon Borough and Devon County for funding a number of places and to the Pavilion in the Park staff for feeding us all through the Summer. Thanks also to Parklands Leisure Centre and the Fusion staff for the venue and assistance.
See you soon!